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IMG_1265 2


IMG_1265 2
What's included?
You'll get:
Lighthouse Device
Integrated Raspberry Pi Zero W
4gb Micro SD card, Micro to SD adapter, Case
Padded storage box
30 day warranty
Demo Application
Lighthouse - USB powered LiDAR
$89 +$3 US shipping / $16 international
What is it?
Lighthouse is an inexpensive Raspberry Pi powered LiDAR device built for Android developers, makers, and hobbyists - just turn it on and connect! This Lighthouse is powered through a Micro USB port.
What's it for?
Lighthouse allows your phone to visualize and display its surroundings. Lighthouse captures 2D distance measurements while spinning 360 degrees in realtime. With this data you can create floor plans, detect people and obstacles, track movements, and more!
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